The Buffalo Public School System will be integrating the CHARACTER COUNTS! 5.0 comprehensive student development program this year to provide specific strategies and resources to help us systematically develop in students a wide range of academic, social, emotional and character traits, values, attitudes and skills. Your school applied and was accepted to be one of 22 schools piloting the program. Your responses to this survey will permit us to assess the specific priorities and concerns of each participating school in order to guide specific design and implementation strategies. Your responses will be analyzed by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, the creators of CHARACTER COUNTS! and will be kept confidential.


Question Title

* 1. Position:

Question Title

* 2. Your School:

Question Title

* 3. PRIORITIES. How important is it to you that each student at your school  .  .  . 

  Essential Very Important Important Mildly Important Unimportant
1. Achieves their full academic potential.
2. Is motivated and academically ready to to succeed in college.
3. Develops the social and emotional skills to establish positive relationships.
4. Develops the ethical values and character traits to become a good person.
5. Develops positive life skills such as persistence, diligence, self-discipline and goal-setting to prepare to succeed in the workplace.

Question Title

* 4. VALUES, BELIEFS AND MINDSETS. How important is it to you that each student . . .

  Essential Very Important Important Mildly Important Unimportant
6. Acquires a love of learning and a commitment to lifelong personal growth.
7. Believes that earning their high school degree will increase job opportunities and improve life satisfaction.
8. Believes that a college or other advanced education will increase job opportunities and improve life satisfaction.
9. Believes that, even if learning is difficult, with determination and effort, they can succeed in school.
10. Believes that violence should be avoided even if the other person started it.
11. Believes that lying, cheating and other forms of dishonesty are wrong even if others are doing it.
12. Believes that being a good person is more important than money or status.

Question Title

* 5. COMPETENCIES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES. How important is it to you that each student develops the. . .

  Essential Very Important Important Mildly Important Unimportant
13. Ability to think for themselves rather than simply adopting ideas and values of peers.
14. Ability to employ critical and creative thinking skills to solve problems and make rational, ethical, and effective decisions.
15. Ability to exercise self-control and overcome strong negative emotions and impulses.
16. Ability to understand the feelings and motivations of others.
17. Ability to resist negative peer pressure.
18. Ability to bounce back from personal tragedies and failures (resilience).
19. Ability to set goals and make plans to achieve them.
20. Ability and determination to make healthy life choices including avoidance of alcohol and drugs.

Question Title

* 6. ATTRIBUTES AND CHARACTER TRAITS. How important is it to you that your students develop the following attributes and character traits?

  Essential Very Important Important Mildly Important Unimportant
21. Trustworthiness
22. Respectfulness
23. Personal responsibility
24. Fairness
25. Caring/Compassion
26. Citizenship/Social responsibility
27. Self-Awareness
28. Self-Discipline
29. Perseverance (persistence, tenacity)
30. Resiliency (bouncing back from failure of tragedy)
31. Positivity
32. Adaptability

Question Title

* 7. In your opinion how big a problem are the following forms of conduct by students at your school? (Leave blank if you have no opinion)

  Severe Serious Significant Minor No problem
33. Lying
34. Stealing
35. Fighting
36. Racial, ethnic or gender slurs
37. Excessive absence
38. Excess tardiness
39. Vandalism
40. Bullying
41. Alcohol use
42. Drug use
43. Gang activity
44. Sexual activity

Question Title

* 8. Additional comments, concerns or suggestions: