
Following engagements with residents at the end of 2023 and beginning of 2024 , the council set a balanced budget for 2024/25 while considering the feedback given. Key points from the feedback is can be found here within the section named 'Budget Engagement 2024-25'

Further public engagement was carried out into what the future could look like for our sports, leisure and culture services, future meetings of Council will discuss findings and consider changes to generate savings.

Looking to the Future

Moray Council continues to face a very difficult financial situation with discussions ongoing for the 2025/26 and 2026/27 budget setting priorities and proposals, setting the context of the £12.7m of savings required over the next two years. Councillors will consider a range of measures to reduce spending and go some way towards balancing the budget ahead of February’s budget setting meeting with no choice but to make further significant changes to the services that are delivered to continue to reduce spend.

In the context of the changes already made; to help us focus on areas of most importance we need feedback on your views about where to make further changes to our services by completing this short survey, which should take around 10 minutes to complete.

The survey will be open until midnight on Sunday 3 November. Results will be reported to Councillors at a future meeting of Moray Council. This is the first stage of our budget engagement and there will be more information to come as we develop proposals for reducing our spend.

Thank you for helping us to ‘Look to the Future’.