About the consultation

What is the study about?

The Brighton Council wants to hear about what life is like for LGBTIQA+ people who live here in the Brighton Municipality.

What is the study for?

The Brighton Council is making its first ever LGBTIQA+ action plan to help make the area more LGBTIQA+ friendly and welcoming for all.

Who can take part?

You can be in the study if you are:
  • 14 years old or older
  • Live, work, or go to school in Bridgewater, Brighton, Gagebrook, Herdsmans Cove, Old Beach, Pontville, Dromedary, Honeywood or Tea Tree.
  • Identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, intersex, queer, asexual or use other words like this to describe yourself.
  • Have family members or friends who are LGBTIQA+
  • Work with people who are LGBTIQA+
It is up to you to decide if you want to do the study. Nothing will happen if you decide that you don’t want to. The study is anonymous and no one will know if you decide to do the study.

What do I have to do?

You are invited to answer some questions about yourself and what life is like where you live. It will take about 15 minutes to fill out. The survey has questions about you, what you like about where you live, what could be made better, and what you think the Council should do for LGBTIQA+ people.

What would I get out of it?

You will be helping Brighton Council make life better for people where you live.

Will anything bad happen to me if I do the study?

We’d like to ask you some questions about parts of your life that may have been a bit harder. This includes things like if you have been bullied or felt unhappy. Some people might find this upsetting.

You don’t have to answer these questions if you don’t want to. You can choose to stop or you can skip over them.

If you feel upset later, you can also call one of the helplines that are listed at the bottom of this page. If you experience something that you aren’t sure about, please contact us so we can talk about the best way to get help.

What will happen with my answers?

The survey is completely anonymous. This means we will not collect, keep, or publish any information that might show who you are. We will take your answers and add them to those from other people. These will be written up in reports, articles and presentations. We will keep your information for 7 years after the project is finished. After this, we will delete all of your information.

How do I agree to do the study?

You can tell us you are willing to take the survey by filling out the consent form at the beginning of the survey.

Who can I contact for more information?

If you have questions about the study you can contact the researcher, Dr Ruby Grant at r.grant@latrobe.edu.au. You can also contact Brighton Council at admin@brighton.tas.gov.au or 03 6268 7000.

This study has been approved by the La Trobe University Human Research Ethics Committee (REF: HEC24383)
What if I need help?

If you need support at any time, please contact the following support services:

o Working It Out: Tasmania’s gender and sexuality support service, visit https://www.workingitout.org.au/ or call 6231 1200 to arrange a free and confidential support session

o QLIFE: free anonymous LGBTIQ+ peer support & referral (www.qlife.org.au) Phone & web chat 3pm till midnight every day – Ph: 1800 184 527

o Lifeline: 24/7 Crisis support and suicide prevention (www.lifeline.org.au) – Ph: 13 11 14

o Kids Helpline: Free and confidential support service for children and young people, visit https://kidshelpline.com.au/ or call 1800 55 1800

o Headspace: Youth mental health service provider (12-25 years). Go to www.headspace.org.au to find your local centre.

o BeyondBlue: 24/7 mental health information & qualified support for you or someone else (www.beyondblue.org.au) – call: 1300 224 636

o 13YARN: Free confidential support service for mob, 24/7 from any mobile or pay phone – 13 92 76

o Head to Health: mental health advice, support & help services in your area (www.headtohealth.gov.au). Phone support 8.30am - 5pm weekdays (except public holidays)– call: 1800 595 212.