What if I need help?
If you need support at any time, please contact the following support services:
o Working It Out: Tasmania’s gender and sexuality support service, visit https://www.workingitout.org.au/ or call 6231 1200 to arrange a free and confidential support session
o QLIFE: free anonymous LGBTIQ+ peer support & referral (www.qlife.org.au) Phone & web chat 3pm till midnight every day – Ph: 1800 184 527
o Lifeline: 24/7 Crisis support and suicide prevention (www.lifeline.org.au) – Ph: 13 11 14
o Kids Helpline: Free and confidential support service for children and young people, visit https://kidshelpline.com.au/ or call 1800 55 1800
o Headspace: Youth mental health service provider (12-25 years). Go to www.headspace.org.au to find your local centre.
o BeyondBlue: 24/7 mental health information & qualified support for you or someone else (www.beyondblue.org.au) – call: 1300 224 636
o 13YARN: Free confidential support service for mob, 24/7 from any mobile or pay phone – 13 92 76
o Head to Health: mental health advice, support & help services in your area (www.headtohealth.gov.au). Phone support 8.30am - 5pm weekdays (except public holidays)– call: 1800 595 212.