Your feedback: Proposals for Bridge Close, Romford

Thank you for attending the third public exhibition. Please provide us with your contact details so that we can keep you updated on our evolving plans. 

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* 1. Contact details

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* 2. Please indicate with of the following apply to you (please tick all that apply):

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* 3. How do you currently travel around the area?

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* 4. What do you use the town centre for?

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* 5. Please indicate your level of support for the following aspects of the proposals:

  Strongly Support Support Neutral Oppose Strongly Oppose
A new primary school
New homes for Romford, including a range of affordable homes
Healthcare centre
Community centre
Opening up the River Rom as a new public space
A new east-west link to provide quicker access to Romford town centre
A range of commercial spaces including affordable workspace and cafes

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* 6. Did you attend our second public exhibition at The Mercury Hall?

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* 7. Having viewed these initial proposals, do you support the emerging plans for Bridge Close?

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* 8. Please explain if there is a specific location where improvements need to be targeted and why?

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* 9. Please let us know any other comments you may have at this point:

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* 10. Please let us know if you would like to be kept informed about the planning application. (Your details will remain confidential and not be passed to any third parties)

All data received will be processed by Cascade Communications on behalf of First Base. All data will be kept in accordance with relevant data protection legislation including the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Contact information will only be used to update neighbours on information relating to this project and your data will be kept for no longer than two years. Feedback will be reviewed by First Base and their consultants and an anonymised summary will be submitted to the London Borough of Havering as part of the planning application. Further details can be found in our privacy statement. Please contact us for details.