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* 3. Are you affiliated with any regional, national or international religious organization?

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* 4. Approximately what percentage of your charity’s funds have you invested into affordable housing initiatives over the past 10 years?

0% 100%
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 5. Approximately what percentage of your charity’s funds have you invested into helping people experiencing homelessness over the past 10 years?

0% 100%
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

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* 6. Do you believe younger congregants (under 40) would be especially attracted to your organization taking a more proactive role in preventing homelessness in your area?

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* 7. Do you believe your organization, as a tax-exempt religious charity, has a unique obligation to tackle homelessness and housing issues, compared to non-religious charities?

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* 8. Do you have funds currently available to support a rent subsidy program?

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* 9. Do you have real estate properties you could sell or mortgage to support homelessness/housing programs?

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* 10. If Yes to #8 and/or 9, would you be willing to focus these assets more specifically to address homelessness and affordable housing in your area?

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* 11. Might you or someone from your organization be interested in participating in the proposed Rent Subsidy program (new concept based on rent subsidization that is equitable for tenants and landlords alike)?

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* 12. Might you or someone from your organization be interested in serving in a thought-leadership capacity regarding the above-mentioned program (specially serving on the Rent Subsidy Fund management team)?

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* 13. Would you be willing to work with other religious organizations (including those with different religious beliefs) on housing matters?

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* 14. Does your religious organization have a program to support animal shelters in your area?

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* 15. If not, might you be willing to start one?

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* 16. Regarding the proposed Rent Subsidy Act (RSA), specifically, what do you “like” about it—especially the part mentioning the role of Religious charities like yourself?

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* 17. What do you “dislike” about the proposed RSA? Please feel free to include your suggestions for improvement, especially suggestions that would benefit religious charities like yourself.

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