
1.In what country do you live?
2.Which best describes you?
3.Do you have more than 1 property?
4.If Yes, in how many different jurisdictions?
5.How long do you anticipate being a landlord?
6.What do you believe is a reasonable rate of return over a 3-year period?
7.Would you agree to have rent payments deferred during an emergency (such as Covid-19 pandemic) if rent payments were externally guaranteed?
8.Knowing the risk to landlords/developers brought on by Covid-like scenarios, what policies or other mechanisms would you like put in place to protect your financial and real estate interests moving forward?
9.Might you be interested in participating in the proposed Rent Subsidy program (new concept based on rent subsidization that is equitable for tenants and landlords alike)?
10.Might you or someone from your organization be interested in serving in a thought-leadership role regarding the above-mentioned program (specially serving on the Rent Subsidy Fund management team)? 
11.Regarding the proposed Rent Subsidy Act (RSA), specifically, what do you “like” about it—especially the part mentioning the role of landlords/developers like yourself?
12.What do you “dislike” about the proposed RSA? Please feel free to include your suggestions for improvement, especially suggestions that would landlords/developers like yourself.
Current Progress,
0 of 12 answered