We appreciate your interest in joining our Brand Collaboration Program!

We receive a high volume of applications and, while can not respond to every request, we will reach out if we believe there’s a strong fit between our brand and your audience.

Please Note: It’s essential that all our partners understand and comply with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines for disclosing partnerships. You can review these guidelines: https://www.ftc.gov/system/files/documents/plain-language/1001a-influencer-guide-508_1.pdf.

Question Title

* 1. I'm applying to become a BOB Gear content creator partner because... (comment in less than 25 words)

Question Title

* 2. Provide your contact/shipping information so that we have everything we need if we approve your application for product seeding.

Question Title

* 5. How do you prefer to work with brands?

Question Title

* 6. Select all that apply to your family. My child was (or will be) born in:

Question Title

* 9. Which platform do you prefer for connecting with your audience?

Question Title

* 10. In less than 25 words, describe the typical audience that engages most with your posts.

Question Title

* 11. If selected to receive a product sample, I’m willing to support the brand in the following ways:

Question Title

* 12. Please share your Instagram URL (skip if you don’t have an account)

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* 13. Please share your TikTok URL (skip if you don’t have an account)

Question Title

* 14. Provide your Blog/Website url (skip if this doesn't apply)

Question Title

* 17. Do you promote any other car seat or stroller brands on your social channels at this time?

50% of survey complete.