The Blytheville School District, Board of Education, is soliciting input in the superintendent selection process. A meeting has been scheduled with the consultant from McPherson & Jacobson L.L.C. to receive input. We realize not everyone’s schedule allows attendance at the meeting. Please provide your input by answering the questions below. All individual responses will remain anonymous.

(Note: Responses will be published as entered. Profanity and defamation of character statements will be removed.)

Question Title

* 1. Tell us the good things about your community. (This information is used to help us recruit quality candidates.)

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* 2. Tell us the good things about your schools. (This information is used to help us recruit quality candidates.)

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* 3. What issues should the superintendent be aware of as he/she comes into the district? (This information is shared with the final candidates.)

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* 4. What skills, qualities or characteristics should the new superintendent possess to be successful here? (This information is used as we screen potential candidates.)

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* 5. Please indicate the stakeholder group you represent: