An Oak Ridge Municipal Planning Commission Project

The Oak Ridge Planning Commission launched a new planning effort in January, 2017. It has been focused on small sub-areas of the city, thirteen residential and twelve non-residential. It has involved preparation of a status report for each sub-area and feedback from the residents of the areas. About half the sub-areas have been done. A midpoint report has been done which you can review here. That report includes a revised schedule for completion of the sub-area studies in mid-2018. Based on the feedback from work completed to date it is the view of the planning commission that:
• There is a high level of interest in pedestrian mobility,
• There is considerable support for code enforcement, especially related to maintenance of older structures,
• There is much to like about Oak Ridge,
• Traffic moves efficiently in general but there are traffic related safety concerns, and
• Residents of Oak Ridge would like their city to become more interesting, more entertaining, and more urbane.

Make a difference in your city. Review the following material and share your thoughts with us.

Question Title

* 1. The City should institute a more aggressive program of code enforcement.

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Question Title

* 2. The City should start a program to remove sidewalk obstacles and repair or install new sidewalks.

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Question Title

* 3. The City should install traffic calming devices to slow traffic on collector streets such as Outer Drive.

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Question Title

* 4. The City should engage a traffic engineering consultant to recommend mitigation measures that would improve safety and traffic flow on the Turnpike and Illinois Avenue.

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Question Title

* 5. The City should spend more public funds to help with trail construction and maintenance.

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Question Title

* 6. The City should raise taxes if necessary to carry out the high-priority projects noted above.

Strongly Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

Question Title

* 7. We welcome your additional comments on the Blueprint process, on ideas for how to improve your neighborhood, or the City. You may want to call attention to ongoing needs that are not being addressed, you may have ideas or suggestions for things that would improve the City, or you may have ideas about the overall direction or strategy of the City. Please share your thoughts below.

Planning for the future of our City that makes a difference will need to be more than responses to a list of "fix it" problems and a wish list of projects. Those individual elements need to contribute to some over-arching vision that describes what kind of City we want to become. Do you have a vision of the future for Oak Ridge? Attend one of our meetings and fill us in on that vision. 

Thank you for participating in our survey.