Biophysics Google Hangout Overview

Join Biophysical Society members and guests on Monday, March 7, at 1:00PM (ET) as we kick off Biophysics Week 2016 with a live Google Hangout event! Moderated by host Karen Fleming, of Johns Hopkins University, we will hear from several biophysicists working to improve human health through the development of new technologies, novel therapies, and programs. Fleming will introduce viewers to the field of biophysics and its practical applications, including her own work to gain insight into how genetic mutations cause diseases when they occur in membrane proteins. Joining the hangout, Suhrud M. Rajguru, of the University of Miami, will discuss his research on the application of pulsed infrared radiation in the inner ear and how optical stimulation may contribute to new applications in auditory research and prosthetics. Also on the hangout will be Gaya Amarasinghe, of Washington University, whose research utilizes technologies like X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy to look at how viruses, like Ebola, overcome the body’s natural defense mechanisms to develop antiviral therapies to combat them. Finally, Tara Schewtz, Special Assistant to the Principal Deputy Director and interim Associate Program Director at the National Institutes of Health, will discuss how a background in biophysics helped prepare her for working at the intersection of science, public health, and public policy. Viewers will have a chance to ask questions and learn about the courses an undergraduate should take to prepare for an advanced degree in biophysics, as well as the different career opportunities available to biophysicists. 
View the hangout here starting at 1:00pm (EST) March 7: