Bio-Techne - Organoid Culture Handbook Contact Information Please fill out the information below to request your complementary copy of the Bio-Techne 'Organoid Culture Handbook'An organoid is a miniaturized version of an organ produced in vitro that shows realistic micro-anatomy, is capable of self-renewal and self-organization, and exhibits similar functionality as the tissue of origin.Organoids can be generated from adult tissue-derived stem cells (ASCs) or from embryonic (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). Organoid culture offers advancements over classical 3D systems, such as spheroids, because they can develop into complex multi-cellular tissues with self-organized compartmentalized regions, including the potential for vasculature and immune cells.Researchers have devised methods to generate physiologically relevant organoid models for many organs, including the intestines, lung, brain, liver, lung, pancreas, and heart. While techniques and protocols for generating, processing, and imaging organoids are still evolving, they are being accepted as the standard models for interrogating basic organ biology, disease modeling, and tissue regeneration.The Organoid Handbook provides a tissue-specific overview of: Landmark publications highlighting organoid technology Key reagents for organoid and 3D cell culture Protocols for organoid models Troubleshooting organoid cultures And more! Question Title * 1. Would you like to receive a copy of the Bio-Techne 'Organoid Culture Handbook?' Yes, please mail me a hard copy of Bio-Techne's Organoid Culture Handbook (Canadian addresses only) Yes, please email me a digital copy of Bio-Techne's Organoid Culture Handbook Question Title * 2. Would you like to receive a digital version and/or hard copy of any other literature pieces offered by Cedarlane? If yes, please specify: Question Title * 3. Contact Information (Please note that being mailed a hard copy is only available for Canadian addresses): Name: * Institute * Dept/Rm # Street Address * City/Town: * State/Province: * Postal Code: * Country: * Email Address: * Phone Number: * Question Title * 4. Please select your area(s) of research Agriculture/Botany/Entomology Antibodies Aquaculture Autoimmunity Biochemistry/Chemistry Biophysics Bone Health Books Cancer Carbohydrates/Glycobiology Cardiology Cell Biology Cell Culture Cell Signaling Complement Research Cytogenetics Cytokines/Growth Factors Diabetes/Obesity Diagnostics/Clinical Endocrinology Environmental Flow Cytometry Food Science/Nutrition Forensics Gasteroenterology Hematology HLA/Transplantation Hormones/Stress Testing Immunology Lipids Material Science/Engineering/Geology Mircobiology/Virology Microscopy Molecular Biology/PCR Nephrology Neuroscience Opthamology Pathology/Histochemistry Peptides/Proteomics Pharmacology/Cosmetics Psychiatry/Psychology Purchasing Reproductive Biology/Fertility Sample Collection & Prep Stem Cells/Developmental Biology Toxicology Veterinary/Zoology Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Please add me to the Cedarlane email list Yes No (blank) Next