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How did Bike Month 2024 go?
How did you hear about Bike Month 2024?
I participated in Bike Month in the past
Rideshare Newsletter
Bike Month Poster
My employer
A friend or family member
Instagram (Rideshare or other)
Newspaper Advertisement
Other (please specify)
How did you primarily get information about Bike Month Events?
Rideshare Instagram (@slorideshare)
Rideshare Website
In person at an event
From a friend or family Member
Rideshare Newsletter
The Bike Month Google Calendar
Other (please specify)
What was your favorite Bike Month Event?
Bike Month Kickoff Event (May 1st)
Bike-In Movie
Duncan Alley Cycle & Sip
Bike Happy Hours or other evening event
Bike Breakfasts
Group Rides
Bike to School Day
Other (please specify)
What type of event (s) would you like to see in the future?
More Bike Breakfasts
More Evening events
More Family Friendly events
More Maintenance classes
More Group Rides
More events on the weekends
Other (please specify)
Has bike month inspired you to ride you bike more going forward?
Yes, Definitely
I will ride as much as normal
I rode more than normal, but only because it was Bike Month
I probably won't ride much after May
Tell us more about your bike month! (optional questions)
What would encourage you to ride your bike more?
How did you feel about your safety during bike month?
I felt safer riding than in previous years
I felt as safe riding as I normally do
I did not feel safe riding my bike
I had a crash or near miss with a pedestrian/other biker while riding
I had a crash or near miss with a vehicle (parked or moving) while riding
Other (please specify)
How can Rideshare improve Bike Month for next year?