SCAG is providing licenses to StreetLight’s Insight Web App big data platform for the six-county region. StreetLight’s Insight Web App platform provides users access to anonymized, and aggregated travel and safety information, sourced from mobile data and sensors. This platform is another free planning tool offered through SCAG’s Regional Data Platform.

StreetLight’s Insight Web App platform provides insights into travel behavior trends in an easy-to-use interface. Users can use the platform to support a wide variety of research, planning, and project analysis. Eligible users include public entities or academic institutions and organizations or consultants working with them.

The first step in accessing the StreetLight Insight Web App Big Data Platform is to agree to the use terms required by the State of California and complete the short questionnaire below. There are a limited number of StreetLight Insight Web App licenses, and the questionnaire will allow SCAG to equitably prioritize access. Use of the platform must be for research, projects, and programs that advance the State of California Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) 2021 objectives to accelerate infill housing, affirmatively further fair housing, and reduce vehicle miles traveled. Users working on REAP 2.0 funded projects will be given access priority. SCAG is coordinating license distribution but access to the platform will be provided by the third party vendor StreetLight.

Question Title

* 1. I agree to the following conditions: Users of the StreetLight InSight Web App and Subscribed Output agree to only use the platform for research, projects, and programs in a manner consistent with the Regional Early Action Planning (REAP) 2.0 Grant Program’s three key objectives which are to accelerate infill housing, affirmatively further fair housing, and reduce vehicles miles traveled. Projects, programs, and research developed with the Streetlight Insight Web App must also be consistent with local and regional plans. Users also must meet the usage requirements as laid out in the SCAG StreetLight Insight Usage Policy. Violation of this agreement will result in revocation of the StreetLight Insight Web App provided license.

Agreement to the conditions is required for access to the StreetLight Insight Web App Big Data Platform. 
User Information

Question Title

* 2. First Name:

Question Title

* 3. Last Name:

Question Title

* 4. Title:

Question Title

* 5. Organization:

Question Title

* 6. Organization's City Location

Question Title

* 7. Email:

Question Title

* 8. Phone:

Question Title

* 9. Which SCAG County does your organization represent?

Question Title

* 10. Select the category that most aligns with your organization/agency