Tell us your honest views about your student journey so far

Please be assured that any analysis of this survey is confidential.

Your responses will be anonymised so you cannot be identified.

We ask you for your Student ID and once we verify that you are a student we remove it from the survey response to protect your identity.

Beds SU is your students' union: we are independent from the University, and we advocate for students at all levels of the University. The University regularly asks us how to improve things for students and we help individual students enhance their student experience every day.

We want to know about you; about your life as a student; and the things you feel are important. The answers you give enable us to make a positive contribution to the student community so students can succeed in their course and have enriched experience in their time at university.

Question Title

* Please enter your student ID number:

Question Title

* Beds SU is INDEPENDENT from the University - we won't publish anything that could identify you. You can provide honest responses in this survey and feel safe the University will never know of your involvement.


The survey should take 10 minutes to complete. You MUST COMPLETE TO THE END to be eligible for the prize draw

14% of survey complete.