Illuminating Bayard Rustin - Student Response Question Title * 1. How would you describe this performance to someone who did not attend. Were there any specific moments, images, or ideas that stood out to you? Question Title * 2. This play says "Bayard Rustin is practically unknown. Unsung. Unheard of." Do you believe Rustin was a figure more people should know about? Why or why not? Question Title * 3. Does this play present a new side of topics or ideas you’ve studied in school? Question Title * 4. How often would you say you see theatre in an average school year? Never Rarely (once a year) Sometimes (2-3 times per year) Often (4 or more times per year) Question Title * 5. Can you connect any of the situations or themes in this play to situations that happen in the real world today? Please explain your response below. Question Title * 6. How interested are you to learn more about plays, high-school student opportunities, or other events at theatres like People's Light? Not at all interested Possibly interested Very interested Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 7. OPTIONAL: Would you like to share any additional feedback with any of the artists (actors, director, writer, etc.) who worked on this production? Question Title * 8. OPTIONAL: If you have questions and would like a response, please leave any additional notes, including your preferred email address, here.If your teacher asked you to submit your reflection with your name for credit, you may also add just your name in this box. Question Title * 9. What school do you attend? Question Title * 10. What grade are you in? 9th 10th 11th 12th Other (please specify) Done