District Colleagues,
The Survey (below):
Please take a moment to complete this survey.   Union leadership relies on your feedback to better understand the interests and needs of District employees.
Union Leadership recently met again with CUSD's bargaining agents.  The Union provided a comprehensive proposal, tied to ARTICLE 6: Compensation & Benefits. The Union's proposal (provided to all District employees in our recent CAUSE BARGAINING UPDATE, published Oct. 5th & 7th, 2022) is focused on the following priorities:

       1.) Reversing (a) the damage of CUSD's historic inability to adequately staff District schools & programs, and (b) the damage from the resultant and extreme employee transiency across the CUSD.
       2.) Improving the ability for District employees to share their professional experience; so as to better inform decisions regarding student learning and the teaching & learning environment.
       3.) Notifying District Leadership of areas and opportunities for significant financial savings associated with the District's excessive legal and healthcare costs.
Thank you for your attention and participation.
    ~ CAUSE Leadership

Question Title

* 1. Do you support the Union's most recent proposal, which was submitted and published on Oct. 5, 2022?

Question Title

* 2. On Oct. 5, 2022, CAUSE proposed several contract improvements designed to improve the teaching and learning environment.  Please rank the following proposals, so as to clarify your greatest priorities versus those you prioritize less.

  1. IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT:  Increase the number of paid IN-SERVICE / PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT days on the District calendar, and increase compensation levels for District employees commensurately (i.e. approximately 1.8 % annually for two days).
  2. Amendments to the Current Salary Schedule (CERTIFICATED & PRE-K):  The Union proposes changes to the salary schedule, such as the removal of COLUMN 1 and starting all new District employees at the current COLUMN 2.  This would ensure that those at the lower end of the salary schedule see an immediate and significant improvement in their annual salary.
  3. BCLAD (Bilingual Certificate of Competency and/or TESOL) Stipend Values: The Union has proposed to increase BCLAD, Bi-Lingual, and/or BCC stipend values to better reflect the value of these services provided by District employees.
  4. Responsibility Level (RL )Values:  In regard to District-determined position, such as Department Chair, Grade Level Chair, Coaching, Faculty Program Advisors, etc., the Union is proposing increasing compensation by tying RL values to the employees actual current salary values, versus the values associated with a first year teacher @ Step 1 / Column 1.
  5. Grade Level Chair Language: The Union proposes that Elementary Grade Level Chairs be elected by their grade-level peers, versus appointed by their site-administrators.
  6. HEALTHCARE options and language: Increasing healthcare coverage values upon retirement
  7.  HEALTHCARE options and language: Offering District employees an OPT-OUT option, if they can demonstrate that they have secured comparable healthcare insurance through an external vendor, family member, or employer.
  8. Employee Transportation Program: Provide District employees transportation both to & from VENTURA & SANTA BARBARA.
  9. Career Increments:  Increase career increments, to improve employee longevity and the benefits associated with employee longevity. 
  10. Single-Year Salary Increase (Compensation & Benefits): The Union is seeking a 15% salary increase for the 2022-23 school year (Retro to July, 2022).  This figure is based on the current Cost of Living Adjustment regionally, which has increased approximately 15% in the last year.
  11. Multi-Year Agreement (Compensation & Benefits):  For the purposes of (A) increasing employee retention, (B) increasing  the District’s ability to plan into the future, and (C)  increasing the bargaining partners ability to resolve their bargaining responsibilities (associated with Article 6 ) in years out. 

Question Title

* 3. The CUSD rejected the majority of the union's most recent proposal on Article 6: Compensation & BenefitsWhat are you willing to do to encourage the school board and superintendent to improve their offer?

Check all that apply...

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* 4. My name is...

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* 5. My school site / work site is...

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* 6. My personal phone / cell number is...

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* 7. My personal email is ...