Bailiffgate Museum & Gallery has embarked on an ambitious project to transform Northumberland Hall, a Grade I listed building in Alnwick, into a vibrant creative cultural hub. The project is being funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

We’d like to hear your views on what we will offer in the improved facilities at Northumberland Hall, and would appreciate it if you would take 5 minutes to complete this short survey.

Data protection statement - This survey is being undertaken by Bailiffgate Museum & Gallery (a registered Charity responsible for operating the Museum). We are asking for this information to help us understand how attractive the relocation of the Museum to Northumberland Hall, and the improved offer would be to you. The survey responses will be presented in summary form in a Business Plan, to be used by Bailiffgate to attract funding to develop Northumberland Hall. All of your responses will be treated in strict confidence. Your data will be stored securely and will be destroyed 6 months after completion of the survey.