Thank you for taking the time to participate in our survey on WorkAbility. The survey will take approximately 10 -15 minutes to complete. Share as much feedback as you are comfortable with. 

Disclaimer: All responses are on a voluntary basis.  The information that you have provided is vital in shaping and creating the WorkAbility project toolkit. The toolkit will be designed as a resource for employers to support mental health disabilities in the workplace. All information is kept anonymous but please avoid any identifying details in your answers (ex. company name, unique job titles, etc.,)

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* 1. What is your role at your organization?

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* 2. What Industry Does Your Company Focus On

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* 3. What is the size of your organization?

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* 4. Which Province or Territory are you located in?

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* 5. Please select the response you feel best fits the statement: "I feel companies have a responsibility for their employee's mental health"

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* 6. If you agree, what do you feel is a company's role and/or obligations in regard to employees' mental health 

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* 7. Do you feel your company deals with mental health in the workplace well

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* 8. What do you feel your company does well in regard to employee mental health?

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* 9. What do you feel your company can do differently, or START doing in regards to supporting employee mental health. If you're unsure, what are the gaps you see in your company's support of employee mental health?

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* 10. Please select the response that you feel best fits the statement: "Our company clearly communicates expectations to workers, and supervisors around mental-health and well-being? "

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* 11. My company provides:
(Please select all that apply)

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* 12. Does your company provide training on mental health?

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* 13. If you answered yes above, what topics or content does this training cover? How often does this training occur?

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* 14. Do you feel well-equipped to handle a mental health disclosure in your workplace?

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* 15. What concerns/questions/areas of workplace mental health do you feel ill-equipped to respond to?

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* 16. What would you consider a mental health accommodation?

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* 17. In your current role, have you ever provided a mental health accommodation

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* 18. I feel confident that I understand best practices and employer obligations around mental health in the following areas:
(Please select all that apply)

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* 19. Often organizations focus on the hiring and retention of persons with mental health disabilities. However, there are far fewer initiatives focused on the promotion of these individuals into supervisory, managerial, and senior-level positions. 
Does your organization have any programs, initiatives, or policies supporting the promotion of persons with mental health disabilities?

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* 20. If you answered yes to the above question, please identify them.

If no, please identify any programs, initiatives, and policies that you would like to see implemented on this subject

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* 21. A disability champion refers to any individual within an organization who has expertise and knowledge of disability inclusion and is willing and able to lead formal or informal initiatives that support people with disabilities and influence others to do the same.

Based on your perspective, what makes an effective disability champion (i.e., what characteristics should a disability champion embody)?

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* 22. What training, resources or organizational supports would a disability champion require?

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* 23. Is there anything not mentioned in this questionnaire that you would like to say regarding workplace mental health and/or the resources our team will be creating to support employers?

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* 24. If you are interested in receiving future WorkAbility resources, please share your email here and we will let you know when resources become available. 

Feel free to contact us directly at if you are uncomfortable sharing your email here.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire and helping shape a more inclusive workforce!

For more information on Workability's resources, events, and contact information please see our website here