1. Default Section

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* 1. Did you complete all eight courses required in your emphasis area and do you expect to graduate with the AMP designation ?

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* 2. Would you have come to GCHS had there not been an Arts Magnet Program?

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* 3. In the Fall, are you planning on attending college/university for any arts area?  Please list what major you will be pursuing in the "other" area.

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* 4. I believe that AMP allowed me to be more involved at Greeley Central High School?

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* 5. What did you gain from being in AMP?

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Academic Liberty
Classroom Engagement
Diverse arts experiences
People and relationship connections
Positive Environment
Exposure to extended/additional courses
Exposure to specialized expert faculty within their field
Enriched my day to day life at school
Growth in your craft

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* 6. The most valuable part of AMP for me was:

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* 7. Please list your top reason(s) for choosing to come to Central. (maximum of 2)

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* 8. The arts magnet program has shaped my understanding and appreciation of art.

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* 9. How often did you take advantage of additional offerings from AMP (field trips, Guest Artist performances, workshops)

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* 10. Did AMP meet your expectations? in the "other" section, please provide us with any suggestions  to make the program better for future students?