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Welcome to the Kingston Climate Action Plan survey!

Our world is experiencing rapid change that is impacting the City of Kingston in many ways. What we can control is how we protect our local environment for future generations.
Kingston has come far already, becoming the first city to earn a Silver certification for NY's Climate Smart Communities program in 2020. We're taking concrete steps to establish community-based goals toward a sustainable future. Based on your input, we'll create a plan that fulfills all of our community's needs and create a better future.

We are seeking feedback from community members to create the next phase of Kingston's Climate Action Plan - a plan that will lead to a sustainable future by 2030.

Your input is needed because this plan is meant to incorporate all the voices of our communities. We want to know what your priorities are and make sure this plan is a community action. The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete, but will provide valuable information for how to guide our city's climate future. Please share this link so that others may participate!

As thanks for completing the survey, you will be eligible to receive a $25 gift card from Hannaford. To be entered into the raffle, please provide your email at the end of the survey.

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* 1. Please enter your city/town.

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* 2. What is your preferred language?

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* 3. What is your relationship to Kingston? (Check all that apply.)

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* 4. Please select all of the measures you've taken to help the environment.

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* 5. On average, what mode of transportation do you use to get around?

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* 6. How important are the following priorities to include in the Climate Action Plan 2030? (Please rank with 1 being most important.)

  1. Cutting back on the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change
  2. Making Kingston more resilient so it can avoid the worst impacts of climate change
  3. Making sure the city's plan is equitable to residents and businesses
  4. Creating healthier, more efficient homes and communities
  5. Making sure recommended changes are affordable for city government and the community
  6. Including only actions and technologies that we are confident will work
  7. Including only actions that we are confident communities and their representatives will support
  8. Creating Green Jobs and expanding green jobs training

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* 7. How important are the following priorities to include in the Climate Action Plan 2030?

  Strongly important Moderately important Not very important Not important
Increased reliance on electric and hybrid vehicles
Increased reliance on walking, biking and public transportation
Local and sustainable food system
Increased/improved open space/park land/green space
Increased energy efficiency
Increased renewable energy
Reduce reliance on fossil fuels for space heating and water
Waste reduction and recycling
Education and outreach
Air quality improvements
Water quality and quantity Improvements
Access to Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) options

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* 8. What methods of change do you think are the most effective for improving our sustainability and tackling climate change locally? (Please check up to 3.)

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* 9. Are there any climate priorities we've left out that are important to you?

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* 10. For an opportunity to win a gift card, please enter your contact information below. Please note that you won't receive any unsolicited messages.

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* 11. Would you like to keep in touch about Kingston's Climate Action Plan? Please check the box to let us know.

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