SUNY Pathways Workshop Registration: Where do I fit? ; May 12, 2022

SUNY Pathways Workshop: Where do I fit? 
May 12, 2022 from 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm

Agenda Link (coming soon)

Description: Campuses throughout SUNY are implementing Pathways reforms in order to help students get and stay on the path to graduation. Many colleges have started this work with a core group of staff charged with early design and launch work. This approach makes the work manageable but leaves those outside core teams wondering, “Where do I fit in?” “Do Pathways touch my work?,” or, “How can I help?”

Are you curious about Pathways at your campus? Then this workshop is for you! This workshop is designed to help those outside of Pathways core teams understand the Pathways approach, what it means for their functional areas, and how they can get engaged. We will use a combination of virtual lecture, large group discussion, and small group brainstorming to help you see where you fit into Pathways work on your campus, and identify strategies to support the implementation and sustainability of the approach.

Workshop objectives:
  • Connect pathways to non-student-facing staff and their work
  • Deepen understanding among non-core team members of Pathways and how it plays out across campus
  • Expand the individuals on each campus who understand the pathways approach and can support pathways implementation
Who should attend:
  • Human Resources, IT, IR, and facilities personnel
  • Instructional faculty and support staff outside of Pathways core team members
  • New employees
  • Anyone curious about what Pathways means for them! 
If you have any questions, please email Alma Kanic Franco at
6.Do you require any online accessibility accommodations?
Current Progress,
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