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Thank you for joining us for the 2021 Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show. Your input in this brief evaluation is extremely valuable for the Planning Committee as they plan future meetings and ensure that we best serve your needs and interest.

Please complete this survey by September 30. We appreciate your feedback. Thank you.

Question Title

* 2. Rate the following items based on their influence in your decision to attend the event with 5 being the most influential and 1 being the least influential.

  5 4 3 2 1 N/A
I never miss it
It was highly recommended
Emails I received promoting the event
Event website
Social Media event promotions

Question Title

* 3. Please rate the presentations and meetings you attended on Monday and Tuesday, September 13 - 14.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor I did not attend.
Welcome Reception
Membership Committee Meeting
CIM Steering Committee Meeting
Opening Keynote Session: Success in Challenging Times, Keynote Presentation from Harold Chapman, Commercial Flooring Executive and Past President and CEO of Bonitz
Business Meeting including Silent Auction Product Presentations

Educational Session: How do High Moisture Resistant Products Work in High Moisture Conditions and How Can They Still Fail with All the Claims Made? presented by Jeffrey Johnson, FCIS and Retail Business Marketing Manager, MAPEI Corporation
Education Committee Meeting
Product Demonstration: MAXXON 
Product Demonstration: Bona US
Commercial Flooring Trade Show
Themed Dinner Event

Question Title

* 4. Please rate the presentations and meetings you attended on Wednesday, September 15.

  Excellent Good Fair Poor Very Poor I did not attend.
Associates Committee Meeting
Educational Session: What Went Wrong in 2021 and How are We Going to Move on From It? presented by Ron Nash, President of LATICRETE North America, LATICRETE International, Inc.
Product Demonstration: ARDEX Americas 
Product Demonstration: LATICRETE International
Contractor Meeting and Silent Auction Product Presentations
Educational Session: Ceramic Tile in the Commercial Environment, presented by Daniel Grant, CIM, Technical Field Representative, ARDEX Americas
Educational Session: Managing Customer Expectations for Polished Concrete Floors, presented by Shane Jenkins, Senior Technical Coordinator, Schönox, HPS North America, Inc.
Optional Evening Event - Austin 6th Street Stroll

Question Title

* 5. Please provide any additional feedback on the presentations, product demonstrations and networking events. 

Question Title

* 6. How valuable do you find the Commercial Flooring Trade Show? 

Question Title

* 7. Please provide recommendations for the Commercial Flooring Trade Show 2022. 

Question Title

* 8. Were the exhibit areas staffed by representatives prepared to effectively explain their products and/or services?

Question Title

* 9. Did you feel the exhibit hours were:

Question Title

* 10. What other products/services would you like to see exhibited in the future?

Question Title

* 11. Please rate the hotel: AT&T Hotel and Conference Center.

  Excellent Good  Fair Poor Very Poor
Meeting Facilities
Food & Beverage
Convenience & Amenities
Hotel Staff

Question Title

* 12. What did you like best about the Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show?

Question Title

* 13. What did you like least about the Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show? 

Question Title

* 14. When considering the value of your time and cost to attend the conference, did your overall conference experience meet or exceed your expectations?

Question Title

* 15. If you answered "Yes" to the previous question, please select the three primary reasons for answering Yes.

Question Title

* 16. If you answered "No", please check all areas that did not meet your expectations

Question Title

* 17. Please identify areas where the conference can be improved for next year. Select all that apply

Question Title

* 18. Please rate your experience with the event mobile app and its usefulness as an onsite resource with 5 being the most useful and 1 being the least useful.

  5 4 3 2 1 N/A
Platform overall
Ease of using the platform 
Networking effectiveness
Access to schedule, room locations
Connecting with exhibitors
Notification for action

Question Title

* 19. What educational topics would you like to see covered during future meetings?

Question Title

* 20. If you want to recommend a professional associate to attend or present at next year's convention, please provide their name and contact information below.

Question Title

* 21. Do you plan to attend the 2022 Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show, March 21 - 23 at the Beau Rivage in Biloxi, Mississippi?

Question Title

* 22. Please suggest other cities you would like the Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show to be held in the future.

Question Title

* 23. Check all of the following that describe you:

Question Title

* 24. We welcome your additional comments about the 2021 Annual Convention and Commercial Flooring Trade Show. They would be very helpful to FCICA as we plan future events.

Question Title

* 25. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend FCICA to a friend or colleague with 0 being not likely and 10 being most likely.

Question Title

* 26. Optional: Please provide your name, company, and/or email address.

0 of 26 answered