The City of Beaumont is experiencing both the benefits and the challenges of transformational growth. These exciting growth trends will create opportunities and continue to put pressure on City services. We want to engage with you to better understand your needs as citizens. We want to engage with you to better understand citizens’ priorities for City services. We also want to have a thoughtful discussion on how to deliver on these priorities.

The personal information in this survey is being collected under section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP) for the purpose of informing decisions regarding the planning and prioritization of services, infrastructure, projects, and other initiatives in Beaumont. All personal information will be managed in accordance with the privacy provisions in the FOIP Act. If you have any questions regarding the collection of this information, please contact

In the past few years, citizens have engaged on City policies, strategies, and master plans. We have learned that the citizens of Beaumont have an exciting vision and ideas for our future. To learn more about the master plans and strategies, visit A Place to Grow webpage.

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* 1. How much do you agree with this statement: I am very informed about the City’s master plans and strategies.

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* 2. Affirming Service Priorities

City Council would like to reaffirm the priorities for how our City services will GROW to meet the needs of our current and future citizens. We want to learn what matters most to you? The gowth priorities listed below have been identified through previous Citizen engagement.

Tell us which of these goals are must-haves, should-haves and nice-to-haves and help us reaffirm priorities.

  #1 Must have #2 Should have  #3 Nice to have
Expanded safety services.
Such as expanded RCMP facility and fire services.
More ways to safely walk, bike and travel.
Such as new biking, walking and transit options.
New space to gather and play inside.
Like an integrated civic campus.
Expanded space to read, learn and gather.
Through expanded library services.
New space to perform and create.
With a new facility.
New and improved places to play outside.
New places to play outside e.g. more park space and sport fields
Enhanced urban spaces.
Like streetscape improvements and Centre-Ville initiatives.
New sustainability initiatives.
Like electric vehicle charging stations and sustainable reporting measures.
Enhanced support for all ages and stages.
Implementing approved plans like the Affordable Housing Strategy and Age-Friendly Strategy.
Expanded innovation initiatives.
Continue investment in City technology and new ways to deliver services.

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* 3. What’s next?

Council has provided direction to engage citizens on appropriate financial strategies to activate these service priorities. When you consider the goals listed above, how comfortable are you with the City exploring new, creative, and inventive opportunities to diversify City revenue?

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* 4. Would you like to be on our mailing list to receive project information and invitations to future events?