Plastic Bag Ordinance Survey

This survey is being conducted to obtain information from Las Cruces residents about single use plastic bag use. The information from this survey will help the City of Las Cruces develop guidelines to limit the impacts of single use plastic bags on our health and environment. (Plastic bags used for food safety, medication, dry cleaning, pet and general wastes would be exempt.)
1.Please select the district you reside in 
2.How old are you?
3.How many people are in your household?
4.When you go shopping, how often do you:
use only single use plastic bags provided by the retailer?
use a combination of single use plastic bags and my own bag/s or containers?
take your own reusable bags or container?
use paper bags or boxes provided by the retailer?
5.What do you do with the majority of your single use plastic bags after you use them once? Please tick those that apply below:
6.What makes it difficult for you to use reusable bags or an alternative, instead of single use plastic bags, when shopping?
7.If you were provided with something to help you remember to bring your own bag or container, where should it be placed?
8.What are your views on the following?
Strongly Agree
Strongly Disagree
Encouraging the use of reusable bags would help protect our environment.
Encouraging the use of reusable bags would help protect our wildlife.
Encouraging the use of reusable bags would reduce water pollution.
Encouraging the use of reusable bags would improve public health.
Encouraging the use of reusable bags would improve image of Las Cruces.
Las Cruces should promote the use of reusable bags through an ordinance.
To encourage myself and others to bring reusable bags, I am willing to pay a small fee ($.10) for a paper bag at checkout.
9.How would an ordinance promoting use of reusable bags influence your behavior?
10.Please enter any additional comments below:
11.If you would like to be entered in a drawing for one of ten reusable bags, please enter your email address below: 
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered