Cherokee At Large Community Needs Assessment Survey

The Cherokee Nation At-Large Mutual Aid is a new non-profit 501c3 organization conceived by Councilman Johnny Kidwell to create a pathway for bringing services to Cherokee At-Large residents. We ask you to complete this needs assessment survey to help us identify needs and set goals and priorities. Your responses are anonymous.  If you would like to be added to our mailing list, please email contact information to Wado for your help and participation.
Please complete just one survey per household.
1.Do you or anyone in your family have a Cherokee Nation tribal registration number?
2.In what state do you live?
3.In what county do you live?
4.What is your zip code?
5.How many people live in your household?
6.What are their ages?
5 or younger
6 to 18
19 to 54
55 to 64
65 and older
7.What are the sources of income or support for your household? (Check all that apply)
8.What best describes your annual household income?
9.Is anyone in your household a military veteran?
10.Is anyone in your home a caregiver for an aging or disabled household member?
11.Are any of the following an issue or concern for your household?
No, not ever an issue
Yes, sometimes an issue
Yes, always an issue
Food insecurity 
Housing/Shelter insecurity
Lack of transportation
Needing help with utilities
Needing help making your home safe for aging household members
12.Has anyone in your household been diagnosed with any of the following? (Check all that apply)
13.If you have health problems that have not been addressed, please say why.
14.Does anyone in your household: (Check all that apply)
15.Are you active with a Cherokee At-Large Community Organization?
16.If yes, please say which one(s).
17.What are the community's needs, based on your experiences with your Cherokee at-large community?
18.What are the community's strengths based on your experiences with your Cherokee at-large community?
19.How likely is it that you would contribute to a mutual aid organization to help other at-Cherokees? (Check only one)
20.Feel free to use this space to share your opinions, thoughts, or suggestions about a mutual assistance organization to serve at-large citizens.