The City of Hazelwood has embarked on the exciting and important process of updating their Comprehensive Plan. A guiding document for the City, a Comprehensive Plan identifies priorities related to economic and community development, livability, land use, and other topics that impact the City moving forward. Typically, a Comprehensive plan provides guidance for a community for 10-20 years before being updated again.

This survey provides an opportunity for community residents and stakeholders to get involved with the process, providing feedback and insight based on your experiences in the City. Please take a few minutes to answer the questions below.

Questions? Visit

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* 1. Where do you live in Hazelwood? (view the district map here)

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* 2. How long have you lived in Hazelwood?

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* 3. Why have you chosen to live in Hazelwood?

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* 4. Where do you go to work?

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* 5. If you leave the home for work, how do you typically get there?

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* 6. The graphic above shows how the population in Hazelwood has changed over time and how it may continue to change in the future. In your opinion, how has Hazelwood changed over the past few decades? Do you anticipate that the demographics of Hazelwood will continue to change in the future? If so, how?

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* 7. As the City contemplates future development, what type of residential development would you like to see?

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* 8. What development amenities or neighborhood characteristics are most important for new residential development?

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* 9. Where is new residential development or reinvestment in existing residential neighborhoods most needed?

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* 10. Where do you typically go to meet your shopping, dining, or entertainment needs?

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* 11. What should future commercial development look like in the City?

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* 12. Where is new commercial development or reinvestment in existing commercial districts most needed?

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* 13. What characteristics are most important for commercial development?

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* 14. What characteristics are most important for industrial development?

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* 15. Where do you go most often to enjoy parks and recreation facilities in the area?

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* 16. Thinking about the City as a whole, what are the greatest strengths of Hazelwood?

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* 17. How can Parks and Recreation opportunities be improved for residents?

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* 18. What do you worry about related to the City's future?