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How Active Are You?
On a scale from 1 to 5, where 1 is 'Not active at all' and 5 is 'Very active', how would you rate your current level of physical activity?
Not active at all
Slightly active (occasional light activities)
Moderately active (regular activities a few times a week)
Active (regular activities multiple times per week)
Very active (daily intensive activities)
How interested are you in participating in health and wellness programs specifically designed for AMAC members?
Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not very interested
Not interested at all
Which of the following benefits would you find most valuable in a health and wellness program offered by AMAC? (Select up to three)
Fitness training and resources
Nutritional guidance
Health products discounts
Community support groups
Regular health tips and information
Access to health experts through podcasts and webinars
What health topics are you most interested in learning more about through AMAC?
Physical fitness
Nutrition and diet
Mental health
Chronic disease management
Preventative care
Other (please specify)
How likely would you be to regularly engage with content provided by AMAC, such as a weekly podcast, online articles, and health challenges?
Very likely
Very unlikely
Would you be interested in purchasing health-related products or services, such as supplements or fitness equipment, if they were offered at a discount through AMAC partnerships?
Yes, definitely!
Maybe, depends on the product
Not sure
Probably not
Definitely not
Current Progress,
0 of 6 answered