Thank you for helping us better understand the needs and opinions of coastal Georgia's saltwater fishing community! Please answer the following to the best of your ability. For more information, reference CRD's 2018 Saltwater Fishing Satisfaction Survey and 2017 Report.

Question Title

* 1. Are you a Charter Captain or recreational fisherman?

Question Title

* 2. On average, how many days per year do you spend saltwater fishing in Georgia?

Question Title

* 3. What is the primary reason that you, as a Georgia saltwater angler, choose to fish? (Choose only one)

Question Title

* 4. On a scale from 1 (not at all satisfied) to 4 (extremely satisfied), please rate your impression of the following, in your experience as a saltwater angler.

  1- Very unsatisfied 2 - Somewhat unsatisfied 3 - Mostly satisfied 4 - Very satisfied Unsure or no opinion
CRD's ability to inform the public about fishing laws and regulations
Current saltwater regulations
CRD's management of Georgia's marine resources
Fishing opportunities provided by CRD
Georgia DNR - Coastal Resources Division - OVERALL
CRD's ability to inform the public about health and conservation issues

Question Title

* 5. If you are unsatisfied with the current saltwater regulations, do you feel they are:

Question Title

* 6. On a scale from 1 (not at all satisfied) to 4 (extremely satisfied), please rate your impressions of the areas you typically fish:

  1- Very unsatisfied 2 - Somewhat unsatisfied 3 - Mostly satisfied 4 - Very satisfied N/A - I do not fish these areas Unsure or no opinion
Inshore areas (rivers/creeks)
Nearshore (beaches to 3 miles offshore)
Offshore (more than 3 miles offshore)

Question Title

* 7. On a scale from 1 (not at all satisfied) to 4 (extremely satisfied), please rate your red drum fishing satisfaction level

  1- Very unsatisfied 2 - Somewhat unsatisfied 3 - Mostly satisfied 4 - Very satisfied N/A - I do not fish for red drum Unsure or no opinion
Support for the harvest season
Current RED DRUM regulations
Average size caught
Number(s) caught
Red Drum fishing in coastal Georgia OVERALL

Question Title

* 8. What percent of legal drum do you typically RELEASE?

Question Title

* 9. Do you support a change in slot size for Georgia? (Georgia's current slot size is 14-23". South Carolina's is 15-23" and Florida's is 18-27".)

Question Title

* 10. Do you support a change in creel limit for Georgia? (Georgia's current limit is 5 per person with no boat limit. South Carolina and Northeast Florida's are 2 per person and 6 per boat.)

Question Title

* 11. Overall, how important is Georgia’s coast to you (beaches, waterways, rivers, etc.)?

Question Title

* 12. How knowledgeable do you consider yourself about Georgia’s coast and conservation issues?

Question Title

* 13. In the past year, how many coastal education programs have you or your family participated in?

Question Title

* 14. How comfortable do you feel taking action on the conservation issues you believe in?

Question Title

* 15. With which statements do you agree? (check all that apply)