We Need Your Input!

We're excited to bring a new universally accessible nature space to Birmingham!

At its heart, this space, currently known as East Side Park, will be welcoming to everyone in our community and rooted in nature. While we may not be able to incorporate every idea due to budget limitations, your feedback is essential in helping us make the space as inclusive and enjoyable as possible. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts in the anonymous survey below. Thank you for your support.

If you would like to stay informed about the parks' progress, please check out our East Side Park page and scan through our current design posters. If you are interested in upcoming programs, sign up for our newsletter, check out our programs calendar, or sign up today as a member!

- Jefferson County Greenways Team

Question Title

* 1. How do you envision using this park?

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* 2. Would you visit the park by yourself, with friends, or family? Select all that apply

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* 3. How often would you plan to visit the park?

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* 4. What mode of transportation would you most likely use to visit the park?

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* 5. Would you be willing to support our fundraising efforts in any of the following ways? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. Please rank the following features in order of importance to you (drag or use the arrows to order with top being the most important).

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* 7. Do you have any concerns or suggestions regarding the development, maintenance, or sustainability of the park?

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* 8. Would you, your family, or your friends benefit from a universally accessible nature space? If so, what are your or their needs from the space?