Training support for working with migrants

Crosscare Information & Advocacy Services work in the areas of housing, homelessness, social welfare, refugee and immigration matters. Crosscare offers training in the above areas and would like to find out from organisation in the NEIC what training they might need in order to better support their clients who are migrants. 

This survey is confidential (i.e. if used for reports and proposal your service name will not be used). The survey should take no more than 5 minutes.

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* 1. What is the name of your service?

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* 2. Please indicate which client groups your service works with (Select all that apply)

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* 3. What are the key issues seen in your service for migrants
(Choose as many as relevant)

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* 5. Where do you get information currently in relation to issues for migrants? (Choose as many as relevant)

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* 6. What challenges do you face in supporting migrants to access rights, services and supports (Choose as many as relevant)

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* 7. Would you/ your staff team be interested in further training on:

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* 8. Are there other areas of migrant related issues you would like training on?

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* 9. If you have expressed an interest in training we would like to follow up with you. Can you please provide us with your e mail address?