The national HIV community, led by the “Act Now End AIDS” Coalition, is working to develop a national blueprint to “end AIDS.” This effort comes in response to the administration’s intent to update the National HIV/AIDS Strategy in 2019, and to officials’ statements, including CDC Director Robert Redfield’s goal of “ending AIDS” within seven years. HIVMA and AAHIVM are contributing to this document, which will be a comprehensive and inclusive blueprint to achieve this goal by 2025. We are working together to ensure the voice of HIV providers is represented in this process.

You can contribute by answering any or all the questions below and/or by participating in a webinar on Monday August 6 at 1:00pm ET, moderated by HIVMA Chair Dr. Melanie Thompson. Click here to register for the webinar.

The deadline for responses below is Friday August 3.
Please reach out with questions to:
George Fistonich, HIVMA senior policy and advocacy manager, at, or
Anna Forbes, AAHIVM director of public policy, at

Note: Contact information that you enter below is for follow-up purposes only; no specific recommendations will be attributed to anyone.

Question Title

* 1. What recommendations do you have for strengthening the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program to better respond to the current epidemic?

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* 2. What could be done to better integrate and/or co-locate healthcare services including behavioral health?

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* 3. What are the biggest challenges facing the HIV medical workforce?

Question Title

* 4. What policy interventions could help ensure a sufficient HIV medical workforce throughout the country?

Question Title

* 5. What suggestions do you have for reducing barriers to HIV prevention?

Question Title

* 6. Name

Question Title

* 7. Email

Question Title

* 8. Location/Affiliation

Question Title

* 9. Member of