Course Information

Excel Courses // Glasgow
Microsoft Excel can be an excellent tool to make your work systems easier, quicker and more effective. Our upcoming Excel courses are now open for application.

These courses are taking place on three consecutive Saturdays. Each course is a standalone course so you can apply for the course that is at the level that is right for you - or if you are keen for the full learning experience you can apply for all three:

Excel for Beginners
Saturday 7 September 2024, 0930-1300
Course Information
Screen Elements, Create Calculations, Move & Copy, Insert & Delete, Column Width & Row Height, Basic Formatting, Print Preview and Send to Printer, AutoFill

Excel - Intermediate
Saturday 14 September 2024, 0930-1300
Course Information
Large worksheets & Charts, Formatting, Functions, Pivot Tables, List Management, Advanced List Management Features

Excel - Advanced
Saturday 21 September 2024, 0930-1300
Course Information
Locking Worksheets, Consolidate Data, Customising Excel, More Functions

These courses will be held in-person in Glasgow. You are welcome to bring your own Mac or PC laptop to work on during the session, or a PC laptop can be provided if requested.

Who are these courses for?
These courses are suitable for freelance film & TV practitioners who would like to further their knowledge and understanding of Microsoft Excel.

This course will be delivered by Etopia Training.
This session is specifically for established film and television practitioners based in Scotland. Please only apply if you meet this criteria. BECTU opportunities for those in other areas of the UK can be found here:
England, Wales.
  • Applicants should be based and working freelance in film and television in Scotland.
  • We're targeting practitioners working in scripted production for this course.
  • Students are not eligible for this training.

  • As this is a workshop style course, there are a limited number of spaces available to allow participants the opportunity to interact and ask questions.
  • Priority for spaces will be given to eligible BECTU members.
  • If more BECTU members apply than spaces available, places will be given to those who demonstrate the greatest professional need for this training.
    • Places are provided free of charge but are worth a considerable amount. Please only apply if you can commit to attending the session.
    • We have a travel fund to support anyone who may need help with travel costs.
    The deadline to apply is
    9AM, MONDAY 19 AUGUST 2024

    This course is being delivered with support from Scottish Union Learning and is
    funded by The Scottish Government.

    If you have any queries please email
