YOU SPEAK...WE LISTEN - 5 minutes to complete

Dear Business leaders in the Walnut Creek region:

The coalition of business organizations in the Walnut Creek region are conducting the following business needs assessment to help each organization address the needs identified. As we convene leaders and influencers to make things happen, the results gathered here will help us advocate for change.

The insights from this survey will be instrumental in developing support mechanisms and policies that respond to our diverse business landscape's needs. We urge every business leader, entrepreneur, and manager to share their experiences and challenges.

Your input is vital and the survey is timed at 5 minutes for "check the box" responses. Please take a few extra minutes to share your thoughts and concerns about doing business in the Walnut Creek region. If you'd like to enter a drawing for a $500 award, please provide your name and email address at the end of the survey.

Question Title

In what sector(s) do you work? (check all that apply)

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2. What is your position with the company or organization?

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3. Please tell us about your history, location, and employees in the area:
How many years have you been employed by or owned the entity?

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4. Approximately how many years has this entity been located in the Walnut Creek region?

Question Title

5. How many full-time equivalent staff do you have in this region? (Include yourself)

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6. In what city is your business/organization - office/work setting located?

Question Title

8. If yes, number of days working remote?

Question Title

Which of these actions is your company or organization considering over the next 1-2 years? (select all that apply)

Question Title

11. How much do these external factors negatively affect your business or organization?

  A Lot Some Not at all No response
Overall economic conditions
Financing and interest rates
Government regulations
Government taxes & fees
Healthcare/employee benefits
Lack of foot traffic
Inflation (gas, cost of raw materials and supplies)
Available talent and skill in the workforce
Hybrid and work-from-home workforce
Supply chain issues
Public safety around my business

Question Title

12. What do you regard as the single greatest threat/challenge facing your business or organization?

Question Title

13. How much do these internal factors affect your performance, positively or negitively?

  A lot Some Not at all No response
Access to capital, cash flow
Poor sales
Attracting and retaining quality employees
Unwillingness of staff to return to workplace (as opposed to work from home/hybrid)
Need for business planning and strategy (scaling operations for growth, managing costs)
Need for marketing/advertising/sales to grow customer base
Operational inefficiencies
Training/developing leadership and skills
Availability of affordable housing
Access to affordable housing
Access to affordable health insurance
Access to affordable mental health insurance
Expanded/enhanced public transportation options
Access to affordable childcare

Question Title

14. Where do you generally turn to help, understand, and address the challenges your business or organization are facing?

Question Title

How beneficial would the following professional development offerings be in supporting the success of your business or organization?

  Very Beneficial Moderately Not Beneficial
Business planning, strategies for growth/scaling
Financial planning and management
Health & wellness in the workplace
Human Resources/employment law
Leadership skills/coaching
Marketing (traditional and social media)
Access to affordable legal advice
How to seek access to capital to support growth in the business
Sales skills
Collaboration/Management tools for team (Workplace/remote/hybrid)

Question Title

16. What other professional development offerings would be of interest to you?

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17. Which of these topics/activities would be of interest to you? (check all that apply)

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18. If you would like to be entered in a drawing for $500, please provide your name and email below.
Contact Information (Optional)

Thank you for your time and participation. Your comments and answers are truly appreciated.