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* 1. How certain are you about how much your monthly business energy bill will be by the end of this calendar year - or when your current fixed tariff ends?

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* 2. Has the government support package given you'peace of mind' about future business energy costs?

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* 3. How much have your monthly business energy costs gone up since 12 months ago?

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* 4. Without any government support, approximately how much were you expecting your business energy bills to go up from their current level over the next 3-6 months?

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* 5. Following the government support package announcement, approximately how much do you now expect your business energy bills to go up to from their current level over the next 3-6 months?

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* 6. Is a six-month support package sufficient to allow to you to make long-term business plans?

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* 7. By how much do you think you can put up your prices to customers before the increase becomes self-defeating because people will not buy your goods or services?

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* 8. Do you believe energy prices will ever fall back to levels we saw 12 months ago?

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* 9. If you were the Prime Minister, what would you do to create a long-term solution to rising energy costs?

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* 10. What is your business sector?

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* 11. Your postcode

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* 12. If you would be happy discussing your situation or ideas with the press, please give a contact e-mail.