
BUSD wants every child and family to feel welcomed at our schools.  

The purpose of this survey is to give school site staff and district leaders valuable and actionable feedback to improve school climate and increase opportunities for parent and family engagement.  

Conducting a family survey is part of a self-evaluation process required by the California Department of Education that helps school districts to measure progress towards increased family engagement and school climate goals by soliciting input from families. As key partners in our students' education, your feedback is important!  

This survey is anonymous and demographic information will not be identifiable. The survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete.

You will be able to restart the survey at the end if your experiences for your children within one site or across sites vary and you would like to provide additional feedback.    

Thank you for your participation.  

Question Title

* 1. For which school are you responding?

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate the grade level for each of the children you have at the school you are responding for. You can select more than one.

Question Title

* 3. School Climate

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree I Don't Know
My child(ren) enjoy going to school.  
The classroom lessons at my child(ren)’s school are culturally inclusive.
Teachers are available to discuss my child(ren)’s academic progress.
Student expectations around behavior are consistently applied at my child(ren)’s school.
The school values the diversity of the backgrounds of all students (by race, ability, family structure, etc.) 
The administrators at my child(ren)’s school create a school environment that helps students learn.
The students at my child(ren)’s school treat the teachers and staff with respect.
The adults at my child(ren)’s school treat all students with respect.
The adults at my child(ren)’s school treat me and my family with respect.
I am glad my child(ren) attend(s) this school.
I feel a part of the community at this school.
When I share my thoughts or concerns, school staff listen and value my opinion.  
I know how to access school-based resources and services (tutoring, counseling, etc.) to meet my child(ren)'s needs.  
I know who can help me access community-based resources and services (mobile food banks, eye glasses, etc.) to meet my child(ren)'s needs.

Question Title

* 4. School Safety

  Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree I Don't Know
My child feels safe at school.
If a child is bullied at my child’s school, he/she can get help from an adult.
I don’t worry about children getting into fights at school.
Online bullying/harassment is not a problem at my child(ren)’s school.
Alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs are not a problem at my child(ren)’s school.
I don’t worry about gun violence at my child(ren)’s school.

Question Title

* 5. Family Engagement

  Yes No N/A
I regularly attend parent/teacher conferences. (Elementary/Middle School)
I regularly attend Back to School Night.
I am involved with at least one parent group at my child(ren)’s school.
I am aware of school-sponsored activities (field trips, classroom celebrations, performances, etc.)
I attend school-sponsored activities (field trips, classroom celebrations, performances, etc.)
I know who the family engagement coordinator is at my child(ren)’s school (Elementary/High School)
I know who my child(ren)’s counselor is at my child(ren)’s school (Middle/High School)
I volunteer at my child(ren)’s school.

Question Title

* 6. How often do you...

  Frequently  Sometimes Rarely Never
attend school-sponsored activities (field trips, classroom celebrations, performances, Math night, etc.)
volunteer at your child(ren)’s school

Question Title

* 7. What type of school or district events would engage your family?

Question Title

* 8. Barriers to Engagement: How often do the following issues prevent you from becoming involved with your child’s current school?

  Never Rarely Sometimes Frequently 
Childcare needs
Concerns about getting to/from the school safely
Live far from assigned school 
Timing of school events/meetings 
I don’t have enough free time
School staff seem too busy
I feel unsure about how to communicate with the school.
The school provides little information about involvement opportunities.
I do not feel a sense of belonging with my child(ren)’s school community.
I have negative memories of my own school experience.
I worry that adults at the school will treat my child(ren) differently if I raise a concern or suggestion.

Question Title

* 9. Please share any other barriers you experience that prevent you from being more involved in your child(ren)'s current school that aren't listed above.

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* 10. How can your child(ren)'s current school better address any barriers you experience that prevent you from being more involved?

Question Title

* 11. How do you prefer receiving information about school or district events?

Question Title

* 12. Race or Ethnicity of parent(s) / guardian(s) (Multiple choice allowed)

Question Title

* 13. Race or Ethnicity of child (Multiple choice allowed)

Question Title

* 14. Does your child qualify for free/reduced lunch?

Question Title

* 15. What is the main language that your family uses when speaking at home?

Question Title

* 16. Please list any other demographics your family identifies with that was not listed above.

Question Title

* 17. Are there other questions that you would like to see asked on the 2019-20 Family Engagement and School Climate Survey?