2021 Event Topic Ideas Question Title * 1. We are currently working on adding more events to our upcoming calendar next year. What topics would you be most interested in attending an event for? ERM – From the perspective of a line banker vs. bank CRO. How can we use an “ERM mindset” to provide a “full spectrum view of risk” for credit underwriting and credit administration? Risk Culture – How to assess, evaluate and influence norms, attitudes and behaviors with respect to risk awareness, risk taking and risk management. Risk governance and oversight – Leading practices for structural and administrative processes for risk governance and oversight. Third Party Risk Management (TPRM)/Supply Chain Risk – From the bank’s perspective as well as from the perspective of the banker in evaluating risks that their credit customers might be exposed to. Emerging Risk – How to bring more rigor to the process of identifying, assessing and managing disruptions with potential strategic and business model implications. Other (please specify) Done