We seek to continue to offer the best service to our students.

This survey will:
1. identify the value of our services to you at EESE.
2. identify how EESE can improve services to better serve our students.
3. provide us with ongoing statistical information to identify the impact of our services to you.
4. provide our funder with evidence of EESE impact on newcomer successful integration into Canadian community and workplace.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

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* 1. The Date Evaluation(s) completed on:

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* 2. The Orientation provides important information about practices and procedures in Returning Writing.

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* 3. The Orientation information was easy to understand and follow.

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* 4. The Orientation (or ILP) helped me set realistic and achievable goals.

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* 5. The Editing Symbols and Explanations tool helps me understand errors and shows me how to correct mistakes in writing.

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* 6. The facilitator's marking corrections and explanations are clear and easy to understand.

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* 7. The facilitator's marking corrections are consistent.

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* 8. My work is corrected and returned in a reasonable amount of time.

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* 9. The activities and tasks are understandable and achievable.

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* 10. I understand the reasons for the activities that the facilitator gives.

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* 11. The authentic tasks (emails, memos, letters, reports, essays) help prepare me for my future education and workplace.

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* 12. The facilitator uses a variety of resources (grammar exercises, Word of the Week, fluency activities, etc.) to help me achieve my writing goals.

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* 13. The portfolio sessions help me review my writing goals and keep me on track.

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* 14. Returning Writing has helped me improve my writing skills and achieve my writing goals.

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* 15. What was most helpful for you in Returning Writing?

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* 16. How has the Returning Studies program at EESE helped you succeed in meeting your goals? What has changed?  Select as many as appropriate.

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* 17. Generally speaking, how do your gains in Returning Studies help you? Select as many as appropriate.

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* 18. Thank-you for taking time to respond to this survey.  If you have any other comments you would like to make, please do so here.