Better Together New Mexico (BTNM) values you and the work you do to advocate for better policies in our state. With that, we are reassessing our priorities to ensure they reflect the values of our advocates while addressing the key issues facing New Mexico. We know that this can be a busy season but we respectfully ask for a few moments of your time to share your thoughts. Your feedback will help shape our Legislative and Policy priorities for the upcoming session.

What happens with your input? Once we gather responses, BTNM will publish our Legislative and Policy Positions and share them with legislators and elected officials. This ensures they understand where BTNM and our advocates stand in fostering a more prosperous environment for New Mexico. Our priorities are kept broad to avoid being tied to specific bills, amendments, or proposals.

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* 1. Please enter your contact information below. This is only to confirm your involvement with us and will not be shared outside BTNM.

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* 2. The Governor has prioritized the passage of Paid Family Medical Leave (PFML). This act, would be funded by employees and employers to allow 12 weeks of paid time off for many reasons. This is in addition to the 8 days of paid sick leave already in effect. The state actuarial department estimates that the system will be bankrupt in about three years. Do you:

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* 3. Progressive Democrats are proposing Medicaid Forward/Medicaid for All. New Mexico reached a peak of Medicaid recipients during COVID but the numbers have declined since then. If passed, the number of Medicaid recipients would increase significantly. The state would share the cost of the increased participation with the federal government, if the feds agree. Do you:

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* 4. The New Mexico Speaker of the House has stated he and others, including the governor, will do whatever they can to stop criminal deportations by President Trump. Their efforts would include legislation. Do you:

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* 5. We anticipate more legislation to reduce or take away 2nd Amendment rights. One of the bills being drafted would not allow anyone under the age of 19 years to possess a firearm. Do you:

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* 6. The state enjoyed a $3.5 billion dollar surplus the last two years and is anticipating about a $1.6 billion surplus for 2025. At the same time, the legislature and the governor are considering increasing the state's spending and raising taxes or fees to generate additional state income. Do you: