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* 1. Contact Information

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* 2. What is your discipline?

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* 3. How many years of NICU experience do you have?

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* 4. How would you rate the content on being accurate and current?

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* 5. How would you rate the value of the addition of the course to the original Program?

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* 6. Rate by level of agreement. After completion of the IDF™ breastfeeding module:

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
I feel the additional Caregiver Strategies are more inclusive for documenting the breastfeeding experience. 
I feel I can better guide breastfeeding infants and families through the IDF™ process.

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* 7. How long did it take you to complete the module?

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* 8. What change will you make in your practice as a result of this learning activity?

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* 9. Please provide any additional feedback you would like us to know about your experience:

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