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Welcome to Saint John Paul II Academy’s survey of families attending a Catholic elementary school in the South Surrey, Ladner, Delta and south Langley areas of the Archdiocese.  We are conducting this survey to obtain your insights on our school to assist us with our planning.  As the newest Catholic secondary school in the Archdiocese we ask that you take a few minutes to complete this survey. 

It will take approximately 3-5 minutes of your time.  In completing this survey your name will be entered into a draw to win a bottle of wine from one of the Okanagan’s leading wineries, Painted Rock, Merlot, valued at $40.  Thank you.

Totus Tuus.
The staff and students of Saint John Paul II Academy

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* 1. I am a parent with children currently attending

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* 2. I have the following child(ren) studying at this school. Please list the total number of children and their respective current grade levels.

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* 3. I am a parishioner at

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* 4. Have you heard about the Archdiocese’s newest Catholic secondary school, Saint John Paul II Academy?

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* 5. Where have you heard about Saint John Paul II Academy? (tick as appropriate)

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* 6. How would you characterize your impression of Saint John Paul II Academy? Is it favourable or unfavourable and why?

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* 7. Have you attended in the past an information session about Saint John Paul II Academy?

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* 8. What is the estimated commuting distance in kilometres from your house to Saint John Paul II Academy in White Rock?

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* 9. I am

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* 10. Would your decision to send your child to Saint John Paul II Academy change if the school offered a daily school bus service?

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* 11. Are you aware of Saint John Paul II Academy's bursary program?

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* 12. Yes, I am interested in receiving occasional updates from the Academy on the school’s programs and efforts to build its new campus.

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* 13. By providing this information you consent to receive occasional updates from the Academy.  By completing this information your name will be entered to win a bottle of wine (Painted Rock Merlot) valued at $40 The winner will be notified on or before 17 December.

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