• English
  • Français (Canada)
Thank you for taking the time to answer a few questions about your experience with our service provider resources database and/or practice guides. Your responses will be used to improve our work moving forward, and to report on the audiences and outcomes of the project as required by our funders. The survey is anonymous and voluntary.

Question Title

* To start, which category best describes your role? (Please select all that apply.)

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* Which resource(s) did you access (Select all that apply.)

Question Title

* For each question/statement below, please choose one response option.

Accessing the resource(s)…

  Yes No Maybe N/A
was beneficial for the work that I do.
helped me share knowledge in order to increase other service providers’ cultural competency with respect to working with specific communities (e.g., Indigenous communities, Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people, people living in rural/remote areas).
…increased my KNOWLEDGE of providing culturally safe and clinically competent services.
…improved my ABILITY to deliver culturally safe and clinically competent services.
changed my/my organization's norms, attitudes, and/or behaviours regarding specific communities and their health (e.g., Indigenous communities, Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people, people living in rural/remote areas).

Question Title

* What about the resource(s) was most useful to you and why?

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* What aspects of the resource(s) were less useful to you and why? Do you have any suggestions on how the resource(s) could be improved?

Question Title

* One of the main purposes of sharing these resources is to encourage knowledge-sharing and collaboration across sectors in order to improve the cultural competency of service providers who work with specific communities (e.g., Indigenous communities, Two-Spirit and LGBTQIA+ people, people living in rural/remote areas). Do you think the resource(s) will help achieve this goal? If not, are there other ways that CBRC can help increase collaboration across sectors?

Question Title

* Do you have any feedback about the format or accessibility of the resource(s) (e.g., suggestions for improvement, recommendations for increasing accessibility, etc.)?