Blenderized Diets: Putting a Spin on Tube Feeding for IEMs Question Title * 1. Please indicate your profession. Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RD, RDN) Registered Nurse (RN), Nurse Practitioner (NP, APRN, ARNP) Physician Researcher and/or Educator Sales/Industry Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Please select how often you work with tube-fed patients with inborn errors of metabolism. Every day A few times a week About once a week A few times a month Once a month Less than once a month I do not work with this population Question Title * 3. Overall, how do you rate the event? Excellent Good Fair Poor Question Title * 4. Overall, how do you rate the speaker, Victoria DiBiasi? Excellent Good Fair Poor Question Title * 5. Overall, how do you rate the speaker, Danielle Starin? Excellent Good Fair Poor Question Title * 6. As a result of this program, how has your understanding of blenderized tube feeding changed? Substantially Moderately Minimally Remained the same Does not apply to my practice Question Title * 7. As a result of the knowledge you gained during this program, what changes do you plan to make to your clinical practice? N/A - I'm not involved in patient care, don't see this population, or practice outside the US I already practice this way Substantial changes Some changes No changes If you intend to make changes, please explain what they are. Question Title * 8. How likely are you to recommend this program to colleagues in a similar role to yours? Very likely Likely Not likely If you chose 'Not likely', please explain why:(We hope to improve this program to better suit your and/or your colleagues' needs.) Question Title * 9. How likely are you to recommend the use of a commercially available blenderized food product for tube-fed patients with IEM? N/A - I am not involved in patient care, don't see this population, or practice outside the US Extremely likely Likely Not likely Unsure / Need more information Next