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At the time of our initial survey, the Re-Work committee’s focus was to gain your feedback to determine:

1.    Guidelines for employees continued work during the pandemic

2.    The necessary equipment for those working from home

3.    The necessary PPE to ensure a safe environment for those returning to work

4.    Any scheduling, commuting and specific hardships

As a result:

1.    Policies were formulated with consideration to health screenings, physical distancing, cleaning protocols, vehicle usage and shared work-spaces

2.    Communication avenues were created to convey and distribute updates, policies, and resources regularly (i.e. Thursdays with HR)

3.    Meetings were conducted with division heads to determine the specific needs for their units

4.    Staggered and rotating shifts were implemented based on operational needs

5.    Break rooms were closed for dining and meeting room capacity was reduced to regulate physical distancing

6.    Masks, hand sanitizer, plexiglass shields and signage/decals were purchased and distributed for employee safety

7.    Equipment was provided to those working offsite

The focus of today’s survey is to follow-up with you so that we may understand (1) what is working and (2) what else may be needed as we continue to work through the pandemic and upcoming season.

Thanking you in advance for taking a few moments to give us your feedback. Be well and stay safe!

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* 1. I feel well-informed about the safety measures being taken to protect employees in the workplace.

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* 2. My manager provides effective feedback and updates during the pandemic.

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* 3. With respect to COVID-19, my organization has taken the following steps to protect my safety at work and to be productive. (Select all that apply)

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* 4. I know what is expected when working off-site/on-site (security protocols, virtual meeting protocols, internet access, availability).

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* 5. I can quickly and easily access the appropriate information (files, documents, software applications) I need to do my job.

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* 6. HR has responded to my inquiries and work issues in a timely and efficient manner during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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* 7. Since COVID-19, I have NOT felt pressured to compromise good safety practices to do my job.

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* 8. Aside from what has been communicated, do you have additional suggestions to allow us to continue physical distancing?

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* 9. What is one safety process or practice that you would like to see continued?

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* 10. What is one safety process or practice that you would like to see revised or stopped?

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* 11. Do you have any other comments?

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