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Membership Registration 2024/2025

Dear Parent / Guardian,

Localise is a youth and community development organisation with 50 years experience in community work and volunteerism. The Localise programme is for young people, aged 11 plus, who meet on a weekly basis to undertake voluntary “caring in the community” work. The programme is run by adult volunteers and supported by Localise staff. It gives young people an opportunity to engage in community work within their local area while exploring their skills and talents through the service of others. All our adult leaders and volunteers receive facilitation training, child protection training and are fully Garda Vetted.

The group also engage in community service days on other days of the week and weekends, however, you will be notified of these days in advance. If you would like your young person to participate in the Localise programme, please complete this Registration Form.

If you would like to find out more about Localise, its policies or the great work our young members do for the community, please do not hesitate to contact any member of our staff at +353-1-497-9010.

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* 1. Name of Group Registering for

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* 2. Full Name of Young Person

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* 3. Young Person's Date of Birth


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* 4. School

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* 5. Class/Year in School

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* 6. Address

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* 7. Contact Details of Parent/Guardian

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* 8. If you are happy for your young person to receive information on Localise meetings and events via text and/or email please fill in their information.

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* 9. Contact details of Family Doctor

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* 10. Does your young person have any allergies? If so, what?

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* 11. Does your young person have any special dietary requirements we should be aware of?

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* 12. Does your young person have any medical conditions we should be aware of?

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* 13. In the event of an accident, I give consent for my young person to receive First Aid

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* 14. Photos and video may be taken during Localise Community Service Events and meetings for the Localise Virtual Service Projects, scrapbook, our website, our social media platforms, or the occasional poster and promotional material.

(NB: No Localise member is entitled to take unofficial video, photographic or audio footage of any Localise events or meetings and/or to use these videos or recordings on private/personal social media accounts.)

Please indicate by ticking the appropriate box whether you and your young person have had spoken about this consent and both agree to give your permission for such photographs/video of your young person to be used as described above:

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* 15. I will collect my young person after Localise meetings/events.

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* 16. Should I (the parent(s)/guardian(s)) not be available to collect my young person, the nominated person(s) below may do so on my behalf.

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* 17. I give my child permission to make their own way home after the meeting.

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* 18. By selecting "Yes", I give permission to my young person, to attend the Localise Programme and its associated activities.  I understand that the granting of membership is subject to members following all rules and procedures. Failure to do so could result in partial or full suspension from the programme.

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