VOTE NOW: Control Centre Industrial Action


Yesterday, Control Centre officer delegates met with the Ministry of Health for the second time to continue award negotiations.
While these delegates had tirelessly explained the logistics of their log of claims, the Ministry of Health came with no intention to bargain and provided very few clear answers.
In this meeting, the Ministry shut down 7 of members’ 9 demands. This included equalising base pay, equalising access to leave, and ensuring fair and safe opportunities for breaks. These demands were voted on by members, and members will not back down.
Delegates have proposed industrial action starting next Wednesday. Fill out the survey vote on the five proposed actions. These all have been formulated to attack management and KPIs, rather than the safety of paramedics and the community.
1.What is your name? This will not be shared
2.What is your centre?
3.The next 5 questions show actions proposed by delegates to begin ASAP.
Action 1) No use of recommend – use the Add-resource button instead.

(This will still maintain paramedic and patient safety as it still shows the closest resource to that patient).

Do you endorse this action?
4.Action 2) No use of CREWS - revert to paper system.

(breaks and fatigue will still be monitored)

Do you endorse this action?
5.Action 3) MyShift briefings will be read, but not acknowledged.

(Still press "I do not understand" if you genuinely do not understand, and reach out to education as per normal procedure)

Do you endorse this action?
6.Action 4) No managing of grade of service by DCCO or SCCO in control center. Instead, the grade of service will be managed by upper management.

Do you endorse this action?
7.Action 5) Ban on mandatory training. This includes Janison, MyHealth learning, and first aid certificates

Do you endorse this action?