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Question Title

* 1. BSEMIA’s future strategic objectives are clear to me

Question Title

* 2. BSEMIA’s overall goals and objectives are clear to me, and are established within the organization

Question Title

* 3. There is a good balance between short-term activities and long-term vision

Question Title

* 4. Different departments work well together

Question Title

* 5. Agreement on critical issues is easily reached

Question Title

* 6. There is a shared set of values and understanding on how to do business

Question Title

* 7. I have the autonomy and opportunity to manage my own work

Question Title

* 8. Team-efforts are valued and recognized

Question Title

* 9. I have the opportunity to develop my skills

Question Title

* 10. The organization easily adapts when changes occur

Question Title

* 11. The organization is driven by its customer’s needs

Question Title

* 12. Innovation, gaining knowledge and developing capabilities are a key focus in our organization

Question Title

* 13. Communication between departments is effective

Question Title

* 14. There is a general belief that people in the organization want to work together to solve problems

Question Title

* 15. I have the necessary tools and technology to work and collaborate effectively

Question Title

* 16. The organizational structure/hierarchy facilitates effective collaboration

Question Title

* 17. I have enough opportunities to engage in informal interactions with my colleagues

Question Title

* 18. I am satisfied with my work-life balance

Question Title

* 19. I can manage my workload

Question Title

* 20. The goals and priorities of my work are clear to me

Question Title

* 21. I receive the feedback that I need to develop and perform well in my job at Bridgestone

Question Title

* 22. I have a good relationship with my supervisor/manager (Manager: to whom you directly report)

Question Title

* 23. I find that my values and the organization's values are very similar

Question Title

* 24. I have the feeling of belonging to a team

Question Title

* 25. In general, I am satisfied with my job

Question Title

* 26. In general, working conditions are good

Question Title

* 27. I believe that my voice is being heard by leadership in our organization

Question Title

* 28. I feel I am recognized for my work

Question Title

* 29. I have the opportunity to learn and grow

Question Title

* 30. The company values and promotes diversity

Question Title

* 31. Everybody's input is valued and considered in the company