The ongoing cladding problem has highlighted the risk to insurers from their professional indemnity policies.

As a result, building certifiers everywhere are facing challenges when it comes time to renew their policies.

We would like to understand how this is affecting builders.

By completing the survey you are helping us to better represent and understand you and the building and construction industry.

Your individual responses will be treated confidentially and will not be divulged to or used by any third party, with the exception of Master Builders Australia Limited.

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* 1. What is the main postcode for your business? Where you carry out the most work or where the Queensland head office is located.

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* 2. How would you classify your business?

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* 3. In which segment of the market do you do most of your work?

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* 4. How large is your business in terms of annual turnover / revenue?

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* 5. How many different certifiers / certifying firms do you use across your projects?

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* 6. Has a certifier that you use regularly increased their fees this year to cover an increase in professional indemnity insurance?

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* 7. Has a certifier that you use regularly left the industry this year due to problems with obtaining professional indemnity insurance?

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* 8. Has a certifier advised you that they might be leaving the industry in the coming months due to problems with obtaining professional indemnity insurance?

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* 9. If a certifier that you use regularly was to leave the industry would you be confident of finding another certifier?

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* 10. To what extent would this affect your business?

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* 11. Do you have any other comments on building certification in Queensland?