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Federal COVID-related Medicaid coverage rules ended in April 2023, which means hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts residents are expected to need new health insurance as their MassHealth coverage ends. MassHealth’s process of redetermining all its members will take approximately 12 months, through April 2024. Many of those individuals who lose MassHealth coverage during this time may be employees who need coverage through their employer’s plan.

Your answers will help Commonwealth officials better understand health coverage shifts occurring this year in response to the ongoing redetermination period.

This survey is designed to take you no more than 5 minutes. We appreciate your time filling out this survey and sharing your experience to help the Commonwealth.

Please answer the following questions with data as of November 1, 2023.

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* 1. How many Massachusetts-based employees do you have?

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* 2. Approximately how many of your Massachusetts-based employees are currently eligible for health insurance offered by your company? (Please make sure that the number of eligible employees does not exceed the number who are employed.)

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* 3. Of your benefit-eligible Massachusetts-based employees, approximately how many are enrolled by your health insurance plan or plans? 

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* 4. Not counting new hires, of your Massachusetts-based employees enrolled by your health insurance plan or plans, approximately how many are newly enrolled since April 1, 2023?

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* 5. Overall, how would you characterize trends in uptake and/or enrollment in employer-sponsored insurance among employees since April 1, 2023? How do these trends compare to previous years? To what extent are you seeing an increase in uptake compared to the past couple of years?

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* 6. Please share any additional observations you have related to recent trends in employer-sponsored insurance at your firm and any recommendations for how the state can support you in helping individuals stay covered if they no longer qualify for MassHealth.

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