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* 1. Are you currently a DCNR - Bureau of Forestry employee?

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* 3. Knowing that most people involved in Emergency Services have several affiliations, which best describes your affiliation with wildfire in Pennsylvania.

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* 4. What best describes your role in your organization?

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* 5. What best describes your age?

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* 6. What best describes the number of years of emergency services experience you have?

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* 7. What is your level of Wildfire training? (select all that apply)

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* 9. What is the name of your primary contact person with DCNR - Bureau of Forestry for wildland fire related issues? If you're not sure, please answer with "don't know".

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* 10. What is the average number times you interact with DCNR - Bureau of Forestry about Wildland Fire in a year? (pre-pandemic)  Examples of interactions are in person, phone calls, mail, email, etc.

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* 11. Please rate the quantity and variety of wildland fire training opportunities offered by the Bureau of Forestry in your area.

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* 12. Please rate the how satisfied your are with the quality of wildland fire training provided by the Bureau of Forestry in your area.

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* 13. In your coverage area, what entity has jurisdiction over wildfire suppression? (select all that apply)

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* 14. Of the all wildfire/brush fire calls your organization responds to, on average what percentage are reported to DCNR - Bureau of Forestry.

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* 15. What is the average number of times your organization engages in Wildfire Prevention activities each year? (pre-pandemic) Please only count Wildfire specific examples.  Examples of wildfire prevention include, Smokey Bear, parades, civic organizations, schools, etc.

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* 16. Please describe your organizations level of satisfaction with wildfire prevention materials provided by the Bureau of Forestry.

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* 17. Does your organization currently utilize Federal Excess and/or Department of Defense equipment provided by the Bureau of Forestry? 

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* 18. Please describe your organizations level of satisfaction with access Federal Excess and/or Department of Defense equipment provided by the Bureau of Forestry.

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* 19. What best describes your level of support for the use of prescribed fire/controlled burns in Pennsylvania.

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* 20. Please rank the importance of each of the following roles of the Bureau of Forestry’s wildland fire program, with number #1 being most important and #5 being the least important

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* 21. If you would like to receive further correspondence from DCNR-BOF on the subject of Wildland Fire, please enter your email address in the text box below.

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