Your Fishing Experience and Pain Points

1.How many years have you been fishing?
2.What freshwater species, if any, do you usually target? (select all that apply)
3.In the past 12 months, how many times have you gone fishing?
4.Of the times you went fishing in the past 12 months, how many times did you NOT catch any fish or get "skunked"?
5.While fishing, do you have trouble with any of the following? (select all that apply)
6.When you are looking for fishing tips, what is the source of your information? (select all that apply)
7.Would it be helpful if you had a mobile app or printed guide to suggest what bait and lures to use based on different variables? e.g. weather, season, water temp, water clarity, etc.
8.Would you be interested in any of the following mobile app ideas? A mobile app that...
9.Have you or would you purchase any of the following fishing gear? (select all that apply)
10.Have you or would you purchase any of the following low-cost, effective baits, lures, and tackle?
Current Progress,
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